Secrets in Common Objects You Missed Right In Front Of You


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metal buttons on jeans also known as
helped make the pockets more durable
when miners would fill them with heavy
they’re still helpful today even if you
don’t store anything heavy in your
rivets strengthen the seams and make
your jeans last longer
these tiny ridges on the letters f and j
on a keyboard
help us find the correct keys while
touch typing
also since they’re located in the center
they indicate the optimum position for
by the way qwerty was invented back in
the early 1870s and before that
the first keyboards were piano like with
two rows of characters in alphabetical
don’t blame that little lump on your
computer cable for irritating you when
it gets stuck somewhere for the
umpteenth time
this cylinder shapes and colors may vary
actually helps prevent interference from
other signals
like those your phone emits a hole in
the handle of pots and even frying pans
is designed as a holder for spoons if
it’s large enough
this way sauce or whatever you stir
drops back into the pan
and there’s no more mess in the kitchen
as for handles jerry cans have three of
it’s a smart designer move so when you
carry it alone
you use only the central handle to
distribute the weight evenly
but your friend wants to help you out
each of you grabs the side handle
a lack of privacy in public bathrooms i
mean that significant gap beneath
where standard doors tend to be is there
for a reason
this way people do their business faster
and there are fewer lines
also if something goes wrong it’s easy
to find a person who needs help
in london some poles kind of look like
street lamps
but there are no bulbs well their
official name is
stink pipes and they’re a thing of the
past now but they used to come in handy
back in the 19th century
these hollow poles would take the air
and explosive gases with bad smells up
to prevent unwanted consequences
books are printed on large sheets so one
sheet can fit in four printed pages
if a book has an odd quantity of printed
pages chances are you’ll get a blank
one for notes or the author’s signature
toothbrush bristles have two secret
features first
they fade over time so when it gets less
bright you gotta buy a new one
also the bristles vary in length and
longer ones on one end can help clean
the back teeth better
toothpaste stripes aren’t more than a
marketing trick in the 70s a leading
toothpaste brand
introduced a blue stripe claiming their
toothpaste had double action
solid white toothpaste has the same
functions though
originally golf balls were smooth they
have a dimpled surface now
because players noticed that overused
balls with damages flew better than
brand new ones
at some point manufacturers started
producing balls with dimples
windshield black dots or fritz help
dispense the sun glaring right into your
this frame keeps the uv rays away and
helps the glass heat up evenly
so it’s sort of sunglasses for your car
the tab on the rear view mirror wasn’t
meant to hold your air freshener
it’s a tumbler between day and night
mode it keeps a glare from other cars at
so you can’t be distracted by headlights
behind you
colored dots on chip bags help
manufacturers control the package color
and show what ink color was used on the
no big deal your microwave
probably has a silence mode press one or
and hold it might work also
there is sometimes a mute button you
kept ignoring all this time
anyway there are no two identical
microwaves so a manual should come in
grocery cart loops help organize all the
stuff in your cart better
so you can enjoy your supermarket trip
you don’t want to put your brand new
fancy white jacket
in a cart next to carrots and onions huh
fruit stickers know everything about
your apples past
a five digit number where the first
number is nine is a good sign
it’s an organic product a four digit
number starting with
three or four means it was
conventionally farmed
if the number starts with an 8 and there
are 5 digits it’s best to leave it on
the shelf
automatic lip liners and eye pencils
have a sharpener installed in the
the lid on the back part of the pencil
doesn’t only reveal the color
you can pull it out and sharpen up the
if you don’t feel like peeling an orange
cut it on top and bottom
make a slit on a side and just pull it
toothpicks sometimes have several
grooves and the section with grooves is
a makeshift holder
it’s easy to break the toothpick into
two parts a smaller one with the groove
can be used to avoid contact with the
you can also make a makeshift stand for
disposable sushi sticks
they have a sort of lump at one side
before you split the pair
break that lump off and when you want to
take a sushi break
just place the stick on this stamp
most tubes are usually sealed with
plastic film or
foil and opening it with your
fingernails isn’t the best idea
a point on the ointment tab easily opens
even the most safely sealed tube
a dinner jacket has small pockets above
regular ones
they’re called ticket pockets and
gentlemen wearing such jackets can
quickly pull the tickets before getting
on a train
yeah you’ve heard before that a drawer
beneath your oven is there for keeping
the food warm if the guests are running
hey you can also slow cook on lower
temperatures in that drawer
all the bottles used to be of the same
green color ones but it turns out
brown ones are way better at blocking uv
light say no more
a dollar has its secrets too a large
letter with a rim
shows which bank is responsible for
issuing this bill
12 different federal reserve banks print
all the money so if you want to know
where your money comes from
just look for these small codes a1
boston b2 new york
c3 philadelphia d4
cleveland e5 richmond
f6 atlanta g7
chicago h8 st louis
i-9 minneapolis j-10
kansas city k-11 dallas
1112 san francisco
rough edges on the dimes aren’t just
about design
the weight of coins made of precious
metal was used to show the coins actual
people would shave off the edges
spending the shaving coins with the same
and melt the edges to make new coins
to avoid it the minter added that
pattern so people could tell if a coin
was cut
small dimples on the bottom of some cups
keep them in place on wet surfaces
and it doesn’t let the excess water
accumulate while it’s in a dishwasher
to enjoy fresh and soft peanut butter
store it upside down
this way the oils don’t stay on the
bottom all the time and distribute
evenly in the jar
bath foam has a sort of thermal
regulatory function
the bubbles keep the water hot so that
you can enjoy your bath a bit longer
disclaimer it works for acrylic bathtubs
only those made of metal
lose heat rather fast no matter how much
foam you make
a doorknob made of brass bronze and some
copper alloys
has an anti-germ effect because of its
metal properties
a small v patch right at the bottom of
the collar helps put on the sweater
without losing any shape over time
because it’s made of a double layer of
webbing material just like waistbands
and cuffs
to avoid spilling juice right onto your
t-shirt try pouring it from the other
side of the carton
this way it sloshes less and it’s easy
to control
triangular flaps on small juice cartons
can help control unwanted spillage too
if you flip them and use them as handles
for the carton you won’t press the
so the juice won’t be squeezed
all the disposable cups look the same
the secret here
is the special shape that lets you enjoy
your drink easily
the top is always wider for the nose to
fit in while you’re drinking and the
bottom is always narrower so anyone can
hold it
even if the hand is small also the width
difference allows the cups to stack
you can use a mason jar directly onto
the blender with a screw on top
and make any shake you want without
having to wash the blender jar
the only rule is to not put your device
on max
there is no need to tear one of its
edges on stick sachets
the right way is to tear them down the
middle you may say it’s not a big
but at least there’s less mess with
those torn paper bits
two zips for one section can be an
excellent pickpocket proof
you can put on a small lock on those
zippers and make sure no one but you can
open your backpack
if something got stuck in your teeth it
could be hard to have perfect results
with loose floss
to increase the tension tie it in a knot
with increased tension
you’ll get rid of that basil between
your teeth in no time
a tiny hole on the bottom of a padlock
is there to drain water
to help avoid corrosion plus it’s the
most convenient place to lubricate a
a drop of oil in there will make it open
and close easier
a tiny plastic disc under a bottle lid
is what makes soda sparkling
while the lid keeps the liquid inside
this plastic disc
holds the gases inside without it it
would just be sweet water
it’s a myth that the red side of the
eraser is for pencil and the blue one
is for ink the blue one gets rid of
mistakes on thicker types of paper only
it works both for pencil and even ink
but make sure the paper is really thick
but that blue little thing can do so
much more it can polish your jewelry
clean your electronics for example the
screen of your cell phone
you know those irritating sticker
residues that won’t peel off
eraser helps there too so as with
cleaning scuffed up suede or dirt you
have on your walls
glass bottles usually have a kind of
indent on the bottom called
a punt it’s handy for those who pour
drinks in the glass
the bottle won’t slip from the hands
like this
a cotton pads pack has those strings on
it to hang on some hook or holder
there is no need to untighten and
tighten the pack again
look at the bottom it has a perforated
line tear along it and just pull out a
cotton pad from a hanging pack
if you lick a nintendo cartridge you’ll
notice they leave a revolting
sour bitterish aftertaste in your mouth
they’re covered with denatonium benzoate
aka one of the most disgusting flavors
it prevents people from swallowing those
bottles have long necks for a reason
hold the neck
not the bottle if you want to enjoy a
cold drink the same goes for fancy
their stem saves any drink from
overheating so hold it right
a button on the reverse side of a shirt
collar is needed to hold a tie in place
anyway slim ties which this button was
designed for
are not that popular today so this
button is only an element of design
all running shoes have an anti-blister
system pre-installed
it’s the extra hole on top of your
sneakers make a loop with this hole
inserting the lace in backwards cross
the laces and insert them into the loops
then pull the laces down creating a kind
of lock
some people like to hide the laces under
the soles to make them totally invisible
women’s shirts oddly have buttons on the
left because some women used to have
maids who would help them dress up
it was convenient for mates to button
the shirts with the button on the left
silica gel can often be found in
different things you buy like
bags shoes and many others it’s meant to
absorb excess moisture
so anytime your shoes are a bit wet just
throw in a sachet with silica gel
you are probably using shampoo wrong all
the time
well the main thing you should know is
that you don’t apply it directly on your
you gotta apply it onto the roots only
the foam that you make is enough to
clean your hair
notebook margins were invented to
protect people’s notes
people used to co-live with rats and
those rodents nibbled on paper pretty
still they weren’t able to gnaw on more
than the space left on the margins
red cups you saw at parties can measure
liquids the bottom line
equals one ounce the second line equals
five ounce
and the third line equals 12 ounces
detachable headrests in cars are all
about safety
if you pull it out of a seat you’ll see
two pretty sturdy bars
if you ever get locked or trapped in a
car you can get out of there smashing
the window with these bars
a little arrow next to the refueling
indicator on the car’s dashboard
indicates which side of the vehicle has
fuel tank openings
it’s useful when you need to refuel a
rented car
roadside rumble strips come in handy if
someone wants to drive at night
since they prevent falling asleep
whenever a car bumps into these strips
the driver feels vibration and hears
quite a loud noise
so the driver can’t help but wake up
rings used to be more than a stylish
accessory the nobility used rings as a
archers wore rings to protect their
fingers from bow string injuries
while needle women from needle pricks
as for rings three rings on a phone jack
are not part of the design they
represent different functions
if your audio jack has three of them it
means your device can produce stereo
and your earphones have the microphone
kings depicted on playing cards are real
historical characters
spades king david clubs
alexander the great hearts charles the
diamonds julius caesar
we tore off post-it notes incorrectly
all this time
if you tear them off from below they
will stick off before long
but if you tear them off on the side
along the sticky line
it will hold on to the wall much longer
a lint roller is good at removing those
tiny fibers but you can also use it to
clean other stuff
for example when you want to remove the
dirt from the utensil tray in your
simply take your sticky lint roller and
put it into each compartment
and all crumbs dirt and leftovers
they’re all gone
there’s a number put on the side of many
cosmetic products
it isn’t picked randomly it tells you
how long your product will last after
you’ve opened it
here’s why it has an open jar for a
graphic symbol
if you prefer to buy the milk in those
plastic containers you’ve probably seen
those big circles on the side
these circles absorb the shock if you
drop the milk on the floor
and also give some extra room so the
container can expand
that’s how you can see if the milk’s
turned bad without tasting it
it’s sometimes irritating when you see
you haven’t used the entire stick of
there’s a little bit more left but it’s
hard to reach it
okay the trick is easy unscrew the
bottom take a pencil and force it
underneath that moving platform
that way you’ll push what’s left of
deodorant out
two flat prongs you can see on standard
plugs used in north and central america
makes sense but how about those holes
near the tips
thanks to them the outlet firmly grips
the plug so that it won’t loosen
or fall out of the socket the second
thing about the holes is that they allow
you to wire electric power directly to
the prongs
so you don’t even have to use classical
electrical outlets
so if you need to get electrical power
via direct wires
yup the holes we got over there make the
entire job
much easier airplane windows have little
holes too
and they’re one of the essential
features for a plane to fly safely
they protect people from outside
pressure and generally balance the
pressure on the windows when the plane
takes off
a pasta spoon has a hole in its handle
which can definitely be helpful when you
grab pasta and want to let water drain
however it also comes as a good
measuring tool since the hole fits
around one serving of pasta
if you take a box of aluminum foil
you’ll see tabs you can press
on the side they keep the foil straight
and prevent it from rolling
it’s also easier to tear off some amount
of foil thanks to those tabs
sometimes things have a specific purpose
but you can always give them more rolls
for instance if you want to eat some
applesauce but you don’t have a spoon
just take the lid twist the end to turn
it into a handle
and make a scoop yum
you can train finger agility by catching
noodles and rice with chopsticks from
the corners of the asian food boxes
or you can expand the box and then it
will become a plate
according to one theory funny fluffy hat
balls appeared in the 18th century on
the caps of french sailors
they were tired of banging their heads
against low ship ceilings and ledges
and had created these pom-pons
trailers used to be shown not before
movies but after
just think about how it’s called the
word trailer
means trailer to something to a car for
wood hangers still occupy a large part
of the market
because cedar wood which hangers are
made of contains natural oils which
repel moths
thereby preserving your things
to see if the boiled egg was fresh or
not just peel it
the more difficult it is to clean the
fresher it is
there’s one more egg trick try twisting
it if an egg spins steadily
it’s boiled if it spins slowly or not
spin at all
it’s raw
English (auto-generated)
Secrets in Common Objects You Missed Right in Front of You
You can find hidden secrets in all of the everyday things surrounding you. 💡 What’s the purpose of the small pocket in jeans? Why does a keyboard have ridges on the letters K and J? Every object around you has a meaning, purpose and function. Sometimes those aren’t obvious, sometimes we don’t fully understand the purpose of things we come across every day. Let’s get to know them! 

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